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RestoBod Laser and Skin Clinics

30-Minute Instant Facelift

Instant Gratification (IG 5) Laser Facelift

A Red-Carpet treatment, for us regular folk! Look good for a day out of your yoga pants, a trip to the grocery store, a gathering of more than 10. For you lucky ones, maybe even a wedding or a grad! This exclusive laser technique offers lifting, contouring and brightening treatment that gives you a result that you can see immediately following your treatment.

What Is an Instant Gratification (IG 5) Laser Facelift?

An Instant Gratification (IG 5) Facelift is a laser technology used to provide a lifting, tightening effect on the face which is similar in nature to a facelift. In only 30-minutes, you're able to get a non-surgical lunch time Instant Gratification Face Lift with absolutely no downtime. Results are noticeable after only one Instant Gratification Facelift session. Our laser treatment technique gives you one of the only non-invasive facelifts available out there, and with no recovery time needed, no one ever has to know - they'll wonder how you look so good!

How Much Does a Laser Facelift Cost??

At only $450 for one session, you'll leave in half-an-hour and be able to head right back into the office, with no one being any the wiser!

Book your FREE Instant Facelift consultation now!

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Restobod Members Save Up to 40% Off Laser Tattoo Removal!

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Laser Wrinkle Removal

Anti-wrinkle treatments, skin care, and products have come a long way in the fight against aging. Many options to reverse wrinkles as we age involve invasive and costly procedures, with varying degrees of success.  At RestoBod Laser Clinics, we offer one of the most effective, affordable and painless anti-aging treatments you can invest in - laser wrinkle removal.

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Laser Sun Spot Removal

Say goodbye to those pesky age spots, dark spots, sunspots, and freckles with Picoway Resolve - a cutting-edge laser treatment that targets pigmented areas in your skin without harming the surrounding tissue.

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Laser Tattoo Removal in Calgary

PicoSecond laser tattoo removal. Deeper, Stronger, Faster!

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Laser Hair Removal in Calgary

Laser Hair Removal Calgary with GentleMax Pro. PERMANENT, SAFE and EFFECTIVE laser hair removal for ALL skin types.

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30-Minute Instant Facelift

30 minute, non-surgical lunch time Face Lift with no down time!

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CO2 Skin Resurfacing

The CO2 laser is a highly effective treatment option for addressing various skin concerns on the face and other areas of the body, offering one of the most powerful, non-surgical cosmetic procedures for rejuvenation and certain skin conditions.

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Additional Laser Services

  • Skin Tightening
  • Photo Facial
  • Skin Lesions
  • Skin tags, warts, moles, growths, etc.

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Laser Skin Re-Texturing

RestoBod Laser Clinics offers holographic fractional laser that reduces wrinkles, creates smoother skin texture and smaller pore size. Removes pigment and is the only treatment available for Melasma.

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Vascular Laser Treatment in Calgary

Say goodbye to unsightly veins and hello to flawless skin with our innovative vascular laser treatments using the Candela VBeam. This classic, long established treatment protocol is your ticket to reversing the effects of broken blood vessels and redness, to help you achieve smooth, clear skin without the hassle of downtime.


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